Please indicate the type of playbill ad you'd like and pay here. Then email your ad art to Jesse Aukeman at, using the following specifications:
Advertisements – Can include text & images
$250 - Inside FRONT cover (color) - 5.75"w x 8.75"h, including 0.125" bleed
$250 - Inside BACK cover (color) - 5.75"w x 8.75"h, including 0.125" bleed
$200 - Full page (B&W) - 5.75"w x 8.75"h, including 0.125" bleed
$125 - Half page (B&W) - 4.75"w x 3.75"h
$75 - Quarter page (B&W) - 2.25"w x 3.75"h
“Shout Outs” – text only
$40 - Box Shout Out - Up to 150 characters (including spaces)
$15 - Line Shout Out - Up to 75 characters (including spaces)
Ad Design Fee (optional)
$25 - Let us do the work! For a small fee, we will create your ad for you!
Ad artwork should be in PDF or JPEG format at 300 dpi and actual size.