Support EGRHS theatre by purchasing an ad in the Charlotte's Web playbill.
Use the below form to select and pay for your ad, and then email your ad art to Jesse Aukeman at, using the following specifications:
Advertisements – Can include text & images
$250 - Inside FRONT cover (color)*** - 5.75"w x 8.75"h, including 0.125" bleed
$250 - Inside BACK cover (color)*** - 5.75"w x 8.75"h, including 0.125" bleed
$200 - Full page (B&W) - 5.75"w x 8.75"h, including 0.125" bleed
$125 - Half page (B&W) - 4.75"w x 3.75"h
$75 - Quarter page (B&W) - 2.25"w x 3.75"h
“Shout Outs” – text only
$40 - Box Shout Out - Up to 150 characters (including spaces)
$15 - Line Shout Out - Up to 75 characters (including spaces)
Ad Design Fee (optional)
$25 Let us do the work! For a small fee, we will create your ad for you!
Ad artwork should be in PDF or JPEG format at 300 dpi and actual size.
Please contact if you have any questions.
***Please email in inquire about availability of Inside Front Cover and Inside Back Cover.